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外国神曲中国菜歌词 萌妹子艾莉森古德竟穿和服说爱中国菜

发布时间:2016-04-09 来源:时尚飞扬网 热度:

新外国神曲中国菜火了!吃货小萝莉艾莉森古德Alison Gold新单《中国菜》在Youtube24小时破200万!本文就带来神曲中国菜歌词,该歌词十分有意思,“喜欢中国菜、爱米饭、爱面条……”


外国神曲中国菜歌词 萌妹子艾莉森古德竟穿和服说爱中国菜

近日,又一首神曲走红网络。10月14日,美国吃货小萝莉艾莉森·古德Alison Gold发表新单Chinese Food《中国菜》,在youtube上传后,点击量暴增,24小时破200万,这首一夜爆红的歌曲被网友们称之为新洗脑神曲。I lovechinese food!神曲中国菜歌词十分有意思,艾莉森在歌词中唱到:“我喜欢中国菜,你知道它的真实。我爱炒,我爱大米、面条,我爱州城主町-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-主”“我爱蛋卷,我爱云吞汤……幸运饼干预知未来……我爱中国菜,不骗你哦!我爱米饭,我爱面条,我爱炒面……”小吃货艾莉森的热情迅速感染了网友,不少中国网友看完视频评论说,“美女嫁给我,天天吃中国菜,天天吃的都是你的最爱。”

外国神曲中国菜歌词 萌妹子艾莉森古德竟穿和服说爱中国菜


歌名:Chinese Food

演唱者:Alison Gold

Then I hugging

Then I hungry and I walking on the street

and I getting getting getting getting grumpy grumpy

I see Chow, by my right

I smell food in the air

It Chinese Food, my favorite

So I getting getting getting getting hungry

I love Chinese food (Yeah)

you know that it true (Yeah)

I love fried rice (Yeah)

I love noodles (Yeah)

I love Chow mein

Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein

I love Chinese food (Yeah)

you know that it true (Yeah)

I love fried rice (Yeah)

I love noodles (Yeah)

I love Chow mein

Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein

Read the menu

They got broccoli

Even chicken wings

Make it spicy

And you like it

Cause it beautiful

And it tastes so so so good

I like the egg rolls

And the wonton soup

This makes me feel so so good

Fortune cookies, tell my future

Chinese Chinese Food

I love Chinese food (Yeah)

you know that it true (Yeah)

I love fried rice (Yeah)

I love noodles (Yeah)

I love Chow mein

Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein

I love Chinese food (Yeah)

you know that it true (Yeah)

I love fried rice (Yeah)

I love noodles (Yeah)

I love Chow mein

Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein

[Patrice Wilson:]


I like Chinese food

And some Wonton soup

Get me broccoli

While I play Monopoly

外国神曲中国菜歌词 萌妹子艾莉森古德竟穿和服说爱中国菜

Don be a busy bee

Cause it your fantasy

To eat Chinese food

Egg roll and Chop Suey

I use the chopsticks

To eat pot sticks

Put some hot sauce and sweet and sour make it sweet

Because Chinese food takes away my stress

Now I going to go eat Panda Express

I love Chinese food (Yeah)

you know that it true (Yeah)

I love fried rice (Yeah)

I love noodles (Yeah)

I love Chow mein

Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein

I love Chinese food (Yeah)

you know that it true (Yeah)

I love fried rice (Yeah)

I love noodles (Yeah)

I love Chow mein

Chow Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo Mein

外国神曲中国菜歌词 萌妹子艾莉森古德竟穿和服说爱中国菜

Alison Gold因为喜欢中国菜还专门拍了MV!一看萌妹子就是中国菜的脑残粉,MV中还有可爱的大熊猫活泼抢镜!近年来靠“吐槽中国”迅速蹿红的老外不在少数,而艾莉森·古德更是靠一曲《中国菜》一夜爆红,该MV虽在24小时的点击率破了200万,但却遭到不少外媒评为“有史以来最差歌曲”,就连中国网友也称这是对中国菜的调侃。最让人感觉不伦不类的是,神曲中国菜歌词和MV一点都不相符合,MV中充斥着大量的日本元素和欧美元素,比如,穿着日本和服说我爱中国菜,还有日本艺伎的出现……

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